Музей Москвы — партнер ярмарки blazar. Музей основан в 1896 году. С 2009 года располагается в Провиантских складах, памятнике архитектуры федерального значения. Фондовая коллекция насчитывает около 800 000 единиц хранения, в том числе богатое собрание археологических артефактов. Музей Москвы включает несколько филиалов: Музей археологии Москвы, Музей истории Лефортово, Центр Гиляровского.

Московская международная биеннале молодого искусства — институциональный партнер ярмарки blazar. Масштабный проект в области современного искусства в России, формирующий пространство для демонстрации актуальных стратегий нового поколения художников и кураторов. Московская международная биеннале молодого искусства проходит с 2008 года. Начало проекту положили ежегодный фестиваль молодого искусства «Стой! Кто идет?» (проводился Государственным центром современного искусства ежегодно с 2002 по 2006 год) и выставка молодого искусства «Мастерская» (проводится Московским музеем современного искусства ежегодно с 2001 по настоящее время). Проект активно развивается и продолжает поиск новых направлений в сфере поддержки молодого искусства, вовлекая в процесс культурные институции, заинтересованные в развитии молодого искусства.

about the fair

blazar young contemporary art fair is a satellite of the international contemporary art fair cosmoscow, created for the search, development and promotion of young talents. The project aims to support the young generation of artists and provides a platform for networking and experience exchange. Unlike other fairs, blazar participants are not only galleries, but also independent artists starting their careers as well as creative associations, educational institutions and non-profit organizations. the fair is accompanied by an extensive public program, including artist talks, discussions on current topics with art industry leaders, artistic performances, special excursions and workshops for children. team of trained mediators is there to facilitate the dialog between the visitors and art and to assist with artwork selection.

the first edition of blazar was held in september 2020 as part of a special program of the 7th moscow international biennale for young art and took place in the museum of moscow. since then two more editions were held at the same venue, each year featuring a wide participants and projects diversity. The upcoming fourth edition of blazar will traditionally take place in the museum of moscow on September 20-24, 2023.


discovering and supporting new talents, helping young artists to find their audience and opportunities for self-realization, as well as partners and platforms for further cooperation.

for this purpose, we search for “new names” every year and help them to present their artwork, introduce them to the professional public: galleries, institutes, experts, collectors, and independent organizations. therefore, blazar is a platform for sharing knowledge and experience, demonstrating trajectories for the development of contemporary art, as well as facilitating and promoting various non-profit initiatives that, along with commercial structures, contribute to the development of the art industry and to the creation of an open public discourse space.